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This semester has gone to near the end and this is the last assignment for this unit. This module has been one of the most difficult and tiring modules of the semester. I also encountered many challenges in this module.

In the first project I think trying to model the design was the most difficult. Even though this was the first project I was already feeling very stressed because the deadline for this project was very short so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it. Thankfully with my constant questioning and hard work staying up all night, I finished the project.

For the second project, which was a group project, it was a group of 20 people who had to build a structure using bamboo, and although I already knew some of the group members, there were problems with communication due to the number of people in the group. However, under the leadership of my team leader, we were able to distribute the work well. There were a few irresponsible members in my group who were often absent and late, and even when they were present, they did nothing. Though I was very angry and had a headache because of this, I was glad to see that there were other team members and team leaders, and with our efforts we were able to complete our structure. they were all very responsible in completing the assigned tasks, actively participated in the dialogues, and made a lot of contributions to the project. We were also able to work together to figure out solutions when problems arose. Each of us had the personal motivation to achieve good results, and this motivation was reflected in our willingness to work as a responsible team to complete this task.

Then, there was the final project, which was the most difficult and challenging of the module, and I put a lot of energy into this project. Another challenge I encountered in this project was presenting my model. Because I am introverted, I get nervous whenever I speak to people I don't know well. For the final assignment, we needed to show our progress and explain our model to the tutor. At first, I forgot my words and did not perform well because I was too nervous, but after many attempts, I was finally able to successfully express my ideas to the teacher. Although there were many mistakes in this project, I will keep them in mind and try to improve.

All in all, this module was very interesting and challenging this semester. Each task in this module was a great challenge for me, but luckily they were all solved. I also learnt a lot of new skills through this module. Through this module, I realised that I need to manage my time properly. I am a procrastinator and during the course of studying this module, I often needed to stay up late to catch up on assignments due to lack of time management. During my studies, I realised that this is a serious bad habit that I need to change.

In this module, I would like to thank my lecturer, Ms Chan Yan Yee, who taught us a lot of professional knowledge through lectures and patiently explained each project brief to us, and I would also like to thank my tutor, Ms Lim Wey Shan, who gave us the most realistic feedback of our projects during tutorials. I would also like to thank my tutor, Ms Lim Wey Shan. She also gives us professional advice and ideas for improvement so that we can produce good work.

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